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Lesson 4 Quiz: Text Version

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> Question 1:  What are the three types of transforms you can perform in FileMan on cross-reference values used as subscripts in an index, 'Transform For ...':

A.  Storage, Lookup, and Display.
B.  Storage, Backup, and Display.
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 2:  You can use Transform for Storage to transform the internal value of:

A.  A field-type cross-reference value before it is stored as a subscript in the index.
B.  A subscript before it is stored as a field-type cross-reference in the index.
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 3:  Transform for Display takes the value, which has been transformed using the code in the Transform for Storage prior to storing the value in the index and:

A.  Converts it back into internal VA FileMan format for storage.
B.  Converts it back into a form that can be displayed to the user.
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 4:  FileMan uses Transform for Lookup during:

A.  A lookup.
B.  Display.
C.  Both of the above.

> Question 5:  Each cross-reference value in a compound index can have its own Transform for Lookup.

A.  True
B.  False

> Question 6:  If a user edits a field, FileMan executes the Transform for Storage and stores the transformed value in the field itself:

A.  True
B.  False


Question 1:  What are the three types of transforms you can perform in FileMan on cross-reference values used as subscripts in an index, 'Transform For ...':
     Answer:  A. "Storage, Lookup, and Display."

Question 2:  You can use Transform for Storage to transform the internal value of:
     Answer:  A. "A field-type cross-reference value before it is stored as a subscript in the index."

Question 3:  Transform for Display takes the value, which has been transformed using the code in the Transform for Storage prior to storing the value in the index and:
     Answer:  B. "Converts it back into a form that can be displayed to the user."

Question 4:  FileMan uses Transform for Lookup during:
     Answer:  A. "A lookup."

Question 5:  Each cross-reference value in a compound index can have its own Transform for Lookup.
     Answer:  A. "True."

Question 6:  If a user edits a field, FileMan executes the Transform for Storage and stores the transformed value in the field itself:
     Answer:  B. "False."

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Reviewed/Updated: March 20, 2007