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Lesson 9 Quiz: Text Version

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> Question 1:  Version 22 of VA FileMan allows you to define a database key on a file. What is a database key?

A.  A set of one or more fields that, when taken together, uniquely identifies a record in a file.
B.  A combination of the .01 field and any other field, that, when taken together, uniquely identifies a record in a file.
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 2:  The definition of a key is stored in what file?

A.  KEY AND INDEX file (#.13).
B.  KEY file (#.31).
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 3:  When you define a key, FileMan automatically enforces the integrity of that key. Key integrity means that:

A.  The key is unique for all records in a file and that all fields that are part of the key, must have values (i.e., they cannot be null).
B.  The key is unique for all records in a file and that the .01 field must have a value (i.e., it cannot be null).
C.  Both of the above.

> Question 4:  When you create a key in FileMan, a New-style Regular index, called the Uniqueness Index, is automatically created. This index contains as subscripts:

A.  The fields in that key.
B.  The IEN of the key.
C.  Neither of the above.

> Question 5:  FileMan uses the Uniqueness Index of a key to:

A.  Enforce the integrity of that key.
B.  Lookup entries in the file based on the fields in the key.
C.  Both of the above.

> Question 6:  If a file has a key, exactly one key in that file must be designated the primary key. All other keys, if any, are secondary keys.

A.  True.
B.  False.

> Question 7:  FileMan enforces key integrity equally for both primary and secondary keys, but it uses the secondary key as the principal means for looking up entries in a file.

A.  True.
B.  False.

> Question 8:  If the NAME and SSN fields make up a key, which of the following conditions would violate key integrity?

A.  The SSN for a record is missing.
B.  Two records may have exactly the same NAME and SSN.
C.  Both of the above.


Question 1:  Version 22 of VA FileMan allows you to define a database key on a file. What is a database key?
     Answer:  A. "A set of one or more fields that, when taken together, uniquely identifies a record in a file."

Question 2:  The definition of a key is stored in what file?
     Answer:  B. "KEY file (#.31)."

Question 3:  When you define a key, FileMan automatically enforces the integrity of that key. Key integrity means that:
     Answer:  A. "The key is unique for all records in a file and that all fields that are part of the key, must have values (i.e., they cannot be null)."

Question 4:  When you create a key in FileMan, a New-style Regular index, called the Uniqueness Index, is automatically created. This index contains as subscripts:
     Answer:  A. "The fields in that key."

Question 5:  FileMan uses the Uniqueness Index of a key to:
     Answer:  C. "Both of the above." (FileMan uses the Uniqueness Index of a key to enforce the integrity of that key and to lookup entries in the file based on the fields in the key.)

Question 6:  If a file has a key, exactly one key in that file must be designated the primary key. All other keys, if any, are secondary keys.
     Answer:  A. True.

Question 7:  FileMan enforces key integrity equally for both primary and secondary keys, but it uses the secondary key as the principal means for looking up entries in a file.
     Answer:  B. False. (FileMan uses the primary key as the principal means for looking up entries in a file.)

Question 8:  If the NAME and SSN fields make up a key, which of the following conditions would violate key integrity?
     Answer:  C. Both of the above. (If the SSN for a record is missing and if two records have exactly the same NAME and SSN, key integrity would be violated.)

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Reviewed/Updated: March 20, 2007