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Attribute Dictionary
See Data Dictionary.
A VA FileMan feature that provides an ongoing chronological listing of who made what changes to data values and to data definitions.
Canonic Template
A Template of any of the three types that has been chosen as the "default", "most often used" Template for a particular File.
Compound Index
An index that has more than one data-valued subscript. See Index.
Compound Key
A key that is composed of more than one field. Keys are stored in the KEY file (#.31). See Key and Simple Key.
Computed Field
The definition of an algorithm pertaining to a certain Entry in a certain File, combining values from other Fields in that Entry.  The algorithm is stored in the Data Dictionary. Its value is not stored, but recalculated whenever used.
An attribute of a field or a file that identifies an action that should take place when the value of a field is changed. Often, the action is the placement of the field's value into an index. A traditional cross-reference is defined with a specific field. A new-style cross reference is a file attribute and can be composed of one or more fields. New-style cross-references are stored in the INDEX file (#.11).
Database Management System
A collection of software that handles the storage, retrieval and updating of records in a data base.
Data Dictionary
This is a file that defines a file's structure, to include a file's fields and relationship to other files. This is sometimes called schema.
Data Dictionary Listing
The printable report that shows the data dictionary.
A special character used to separate a field, record, or string. VA FileMan usually uses the ^ character as the delimiter within strings.
VA FileMan routine that searches a file and finds an entry, adds an entry, or returns a condition indicating that the lookup was unsuccessful.
VA FileMan routines that transfer software packages from one FileMan environment to another. DIFROM is used to install new packages as well as update versions of current packages. DIFROM can also be used as a simple archiving tool.
VA FileMan routine that edits data elements for a given file entry.
VA FileMan routine that re-indexes or deletes file entries.
VA FileMan routine that prints data.
VA FileMan routine that displays a range of data elements.
VA FileMan's general purpose reader routine that can be used to issue a prompt, interactively read input, do syntax checking on input, issue error messages or help text, and return input in a processed form.
VA FileMan routine that uses the contents of a word processing field as a target into which data will be inserted at print time. The data may come from another file or can be provided by the user interactively at the time of print.
VA FileMan routine that formats and (optionally) outputs any group of text lines.
FileMan Data Array
Global Variable
A variable that is stored on disk.
A documented data dictionary attribute, input variable, or parameter in which an application developer can place M code that will be executed during a VA FileMan call. Also called Programmer Hook.
An ordered list used to speed retrieval of entries from a file based on a value in some field or fields. The term "simple index" refers to an index that stores the data for a single field; the term "compound index" refers to an index that stores the data for more than one field. Indexes are created and maintained via cross-references. See also Uniqueness Index.
The process of setting variables in a program to their starting value.
INPUT Transform
An executable string of M code which is used to check the validity of input and to convert it into an internal form for storage.
A group of fields that, taken collectively, uniquely identifies a record in a file or subfile. All fields in a key must have values. The term "simple key" refers to keys that are composed of only one field; the term "compound key" refers to keys that are composed of more than one field. Keys are stored in the KEY file (#.31). See also Primary Key and Secondary Key.
Key Integrity
When a KEY is defined for a file, FileMan enforces key integrity. All fields in a key must have values (must not be null) and those values, taken together, must be unique across all records in the file; that is, no two records in the file can have the same key. VA FileMan enforces key integrity whenever records are added or edited.
Local Variable
A variable that is stored in a local partition.
New-style Cross-reference
A Cross-reference that is stored in the INDEX file. New Style Cross-references can be more complex than traditional cross-references. They can create an index with more than one field value, with transformed field values, or with computed subscript values. They can be defined so that subscripts are displayed in inverse collation sequence during question-mark help or when using a Lister call (LIST^DIC). Firing of SET and KILL logic for the index can happen at the record level, rather than each time individual fields that make up the index are edited.See Cross-reference.
OUTPUT Transform
An executable string of M code which converts internally stored data into a readable display.
Primary Key
The Key chosen by the database designer to be VA FileMan's principal means of identifying records in the file. VA FileMan automatically displays the Primary Key during classic interactive lookup (^DIC) and uses the Primary Key to identify records brought in during a KIDS installation. Exactly one Key in a file or subfile must be designated the Primary Key. See Key.
Programmer Hook
A documented data dictionary attribute, input variable, or parameter in which an application developer can place M code that will be executed during a VA FileMan call. Also called Hook.
A set of M code that performs a process.
A component of FileMan that allows full-screen data review and entry.  ScreenMan allows creation and running of "FORMS" (stored in File .403).
Secondary Key
Like a Primary Key, fields that make up a Secondary Key must uniquely identify a single record on the file. Key integrity is enforced by FileMan for a Secondary Key, exactly the same as for a Primary Key. Secondary Key values, however, are not automatically displayed by FileMan during interactive lookup ^DIC. A file or subfile can have more than one Secondary Key. See Key and Primary Key.
Simple Index
An index that stores the data for a single field. See Index.
Simple Key
A key that is composed of only one field. See Compound Key.
Procedure by which programs and output can be temporarily stored until their turn to execute or print.
A sequence of M code that performs a specific task, usually used more than once.
A stored pattern of fields, used for editing ("Input Template") sorting ("Sort Template") or listing ("Print Template")
Uniqueness Index
An index associated with every key and used to enforce uniqueness of the key. Every field in the key must be a subscript on the Uniqueness Index and must have no transforms.
Utility Routine
A routine that performs a task that many programmers utilize.
A symbol representing a value that changes during the execution of a routine.


Reviewed/Updated: October 2016