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Browser API


This procedure call allows passing more than one document to the Browser facility. It enables the user to use the Browser to navigate through multiple documents stored in sequential local or global arrays.

A list of documents is passed by value as an array root. The array is subscripted by the document title and must be set equal to the document's location, in a closed root format. The Browser automatically builds the "Current List" and displays the first document to the screen. When you select the "S"witch function to switch to another document, the rest of the documents are presented as a "Current List." A flag is also available to "R"estrict selection to the "Current List" and prevent selecting FileMan word processing fields in other files.

Input Parameters

(Required) Source array in a closed root format, passed by value which is subscripted by document titles and set to the source array of the document in a closed root format.


(Optional) Flag(s) to control processing:

R Restrict Switching to other documents not in current list. Otherwise, Switch (<PF1>S) function is active and users can look at other FileMan word processing field entries.

See Switch function in the "Details and Features" section.

(Optional) A number representing the location of the title bar of the Browser screen.


(Optional) A number representing the location of the status bar of the Browser screen.


A successful call enables the user to employ VA FileMan's Browser to view and navigate through multiple documents stored in a sequential local or global array.


In this example there are three documents.

Document 1, in ^TMP($J,"DOC",1), looks like:

    ^TMP($J,"DOC",1,1)=Line 1 Document 1
    ^TMP($J,"DOC",1,2)=Line 2 Document 1
    ^TMP($J,"DOC",2,1)=Line 1 Document 2
    ^TMP($J,"DOC",2,2)=Line 2 Document 2
    ^TMP($J,"DOC",3,1)=Line 1 Document 3
    ^TMP($J,"DOC",3,2)=Line 2 Document 3

and so on...

Building the document list array looks like:

    >S ^TMP($J,"LIST","DOCUMENT 1")="^TMP($J,""DOC"",1)"
    >S ^TMP($J,"LIST","DOCUMENT 2")="^TMP($J,""DOC"",2)"
    >S ^TMP($J,"LIST","DOCUMENT 3")="^TMP($J,""DOC"",3)"

Making a procedure call with Switching restricted to only this list looks like:

    >D DOCLIST^DDBR("^TMP($J,""LIST"")","R")
Error Codes Returned
200 Invalid field.
202 Invalid parameter.
309 Multiple field. Invalid file and IENS.
401 Data Dictionary reference for file and field not valid.
501 Extended reference invalid.
510 Invalid type in data dictionary.
601 Record entry does not exist.
602 Record unavailable.
842 Device/Terminal type set up issues.

NOTE: For additional information about Browser error messages, see the "How Information is Returned" and "Contents of Arrays" sections in the "DataBase Server (DBS) API" chapter.

Details and Features
Switch Function

Switch allows the user to view more than one document. When using the Switch (<PF1>S) function in the Browser to select other FileMan word processing fields, it is important to note that browsing is done directly on the actual record text. Users can only access word processing fields in FileMan files to which they have Read access.


Reviewed/Updated: March 10, 2007