VA FileMan V. 22.0 Getting Started HTML Manual Banner


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Using Filegrams

Here is a summary of the basic steps needed to send and install a filegram:

  1. The filegram sender creates a FILEGRAM-type template for a specified file (Create/Edit Filegram Template option). The Display Filegram Template option can be used to review the template.

  2. The sender can optionally designate specifiers with the Specifiers option. These are used for matching existing entries with filegrams.

  3. The sender then generates a filegram for a specific entry (Generate Filegram option). The filegram is placed into a MailMan message. The filegram sender sends this message to an individual or individuals at a remote or local destination.

  4. The recipient receives the Filegram with MailMan, reading the mail message containing the filegram, and forwarding it to S.DIFG-SRV-HISTORY. This is a special server that loads the message into the recipient's FILEGRAM HISTORY file (#1.12) and sets up the interface between VA FileMan and MailMan on the target system.

    If you want to install the filegram on a system other than the one where you received it, instead of immediately forwarding to the S.DIFG-SRV-HISTORY server, forward the message to an individual on the ultimate target system (who in turn forwards it to their S.DIFG-SRV-HISTORY server.

  5. Both the sender and the recipient can use the View Filegram option to inspect the filegram.

  6. Then the recipient of the filegram on the target system uses the Install/Verify Filegram option to install the filegram into the destination file.

  7. Senders and recipients can delete a filegram at any time.

The recipient can choose to modify the S.DIFG-SRV-HISTORY server or create another server to aid in the installation of filegrams.

NOTE: For additional information about setting up servers, please refer to the Kernel and MailMan documentation.


Reviewed/Updated: March 4, 2007